Categories: SEO

What Your SEO Is Definitely Missing

Search engine optimization is the primary online strategy for getting more business in Nashville. The phrase “Google it” is ingrained in society now, which just demonstrates the power of the search engine. If people search for you online or look up terms related to your business and don’t see you there, in some cases it’s as if your business doesn’t exist at all. Accepting that SEO is important doesn’t immediately make everyone an expert, though. There are a few key elements that you’re probably missing.

Create Content

Creating fresh, engaging content is incredibly helpful for SEO strategies. It gives you something to optimize with keywords but also gives your audience something new to engage with. Content like blogs, articles, and social media updates must contain information that people care about. Create content that gives information people need or will interest them in some way.

Generating that type of content is simpler once you learn what your audience is looking for. If you’re short of ideas, ask yourself:

  • What questions do they have?
  • What are they missing?
  • What do they want to know more about?
  • What do you want them to know?

Know Your Competition

Identifying your competition is the first step in overcoming them. Your business doesn’t exist in a bubble – there is likely at least one other company out there after the same pool of customers and attempting to engage with the same audience. Look at the type of content they’re creating, the keywords they’re using, and what type of online presence they have. Once you familiarize yourself with them (and their strategy), you know what you have to beat.


Keywords go hand in hand with the previous two points. Honing in on unique (but relevant) keywords lets you skirt around the competition while still drawing in the customer or audience base you want. For brick-and-mortar locations, local keywords and location-specific keywords make a huge difference.

How to Use Keywords

If you don’t know where to begin, plenty of keyword tools, generators, and planners are available online. Once you identify your primary keyword and any others you want to use, include them in your page’s meta tags and meta description, headlines, subtitles, text, and URL.


An excellent SEO strategy changes everything for a business. Contact Search SEO Nashville to improve the rankings for your business. It’s a worthwhile investment of time and energy once the payoff kicks in!

Published by
Andrew Sansardo

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